The Sims 4 Write Songs & Licensed Them (Guide)

The Sims 4 allows you to experience your fantasies of essentially making any sim whatever you want them to be. It’s all up to your creativity that either you want them to be an artist or a comedian. Sims 4 even permits your musically talented Sims to write certain songs all by themselves.

Writing a song is extremely easy yet it takes a relatively long period and that’s fine because it always takes time to enhance a certain ability and talent. It is essentially something very similar to writing a novel or book.

Perhaps, dealing with different kinds of music skills is considered to be the most enjoyable activity in Sims 4. You are given the chance to figure out how to play different musical instruments like violin, piano guitar, and many others.

The Sims 4 Writing Songs – An Overview:

You can be better and faster at songwriting, and if your Sim is already musically talented and has excellent attributes however it will still require some time in any case.

Moreover, writing different songs and afterward licensing them are extraordinary methods of earning money as somewhat of a side pay.

So, if you want some side money you can either be in the entertainment profession or simply have the Sim who has an enthusiasm for music and songs because in both ways you can write and license the songs. Now you must be wondering how to write a song. Well! To get to know the process, just keep on reading this article.

How to Write Songs in Sims 4?

Firstly, you have to get to level 8 of the musical skill to write a song. For instance, if you want to write a song with a piano, then you must reach level 8 of piano skills. The same goes for all of the other instrumental skills.

Whenever you have got to level 8 of a certain musical skill, all you have to do is to click on that instrument and select the option of Write a song.

By doing this you will be able to write the song. Moreover, you can have access to more choices in songwriting with higher skill levels.

You cannot write a song in a single go. It will take approximately 12 sim hours to do so. Also, you should not tap on the instrument to continue making the previous song.

For that purpose, you have to use the music sheets available in your Sims’ inventory.

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License a Song in Sims 4

If you want to get money from the songs that you have composed, you need to license them. For every instrument, you are only allowed to license at least one song a week. On the off chance that you need more money then you have to make more songs get licensed.

For this purpose, you need to be skilled in more than one instrumental skill. After getting level 8 in various musical instruments, you will be able to make more songs and consequently license them.

To license a song, you must be on level 9 of that instrument skill. You should not be stressed because you would probably be at that level by the time you complete the song. After that, you have to tap on the mailbox and then left-click on the License option followed by the song you wish to sell.

Whenever you are done licensing your song, you will receive a royalty payment of somewhat in the range of 100 to 1000 simoleons each day at 10 am. So, in this way you can license your songs and get your side payment that will be useful while playing the Sims 4 game.


From learning new musical skills to writing a proper song, the whole process is full of entertainment and fun. It is an amazing advancement in Sims 4 that has captivated the attention of the audience very well.

Furthermore, it is amusing to watch a sim improve at specific skills and start doing the stuff ineffectively but gradually becomes a hotshot! It is incredible to make money from songwriting and ultimately become wealthy enough to afford all the luxuries.

Hopefully, it helps you to utilize your musical skills!

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