The Sims 4 Roommates: How To Move In (Guide)

Much the same as in reality, living without anyone else in the Sims 4 can be comparably hard and scary. You need to take care of all the rents and bills while attempting to earn enough to pay them all by yourself.

So, the wait is over and you can have roommates apart from your family who will also assist in taking care of the bills. The roommates are associated with Sims 4: Discover University but they are not restricted to just being University lodging. They can be taken to any area of the world.

Furthermore, the roommates will give you a few hundred dollars weekly which would be extremely useful in paying off the bills as well as in fulfilling your daily expenses. It will be outstanding for the narrating and enhance the game to the next level.

So, if you are planning to have a new roommate in your house, you must have an extra bed for him. Similarly, if you need more than one roommate, you need to have enough beds as well. You can surely have roommates more than one!

6 Best Ways to Get a Roommate in The Sims 4

There are numerous ways to get yourself a roommate that will help you in your daily life. For that purpose, all you have to do is to sneak through the given methods until you find a perfect way to get a roommate.

1. University Housing Roommates

The first one would be the individuals who are automatically allotted to live beside your Sim in the University housing lot or maybe near it. Obviously, with the game consequently relegating the roommates, you could be in for a couple of astonishments!

2. Asking someone to be your Roommate

This is a very basic method in which you can simply ask your friends or the other sims that you know to be your roommate. You must give it a try knowing that they might deny your request. But remember, there are always possibilities!

To ask someone to be your roommate, all you have to do is to go to that certain sim and tap on it. Now go to the roommate menu and chose the option of Ask to be a New Roommate. After that, it’s all up to that person rather he wants to be your roommate right away or he just rejects your offer. If so, you don’t have to be disappointed, just try the next method.

Read More: Best Ways to Get a Roommate in The Sims 4

3. Posting an advertisement to get a Roommate

If none of the above-mentioned methods work for you then you don’t have to be stressed out because luckily there is another method to get a roommate in Sims 4. This is a method of posting an advertisement to get a new roommate. Through this method, you will be able to find roommates that are not your friends or you might not be familiar.

For this purpose, you need to tap on your cell phone or your PC. After that, you can see the option of placing an advertisement for roommates under the Household Menu. When you are done posting the Advertisement for the roommates, you will be notified about the successful posting of the advertisement.

So, over the following days, there will be a lot of random Sims coming to your place, to be your roommates. When you put your cursor on them, it will be written potential roommates above their heads.

Now you are given the chance to converse with your potential roommates to get to know about their traits and abilities. You have to be certain before making a choice and be acquainted with them because you will not like to have a good-for-nothing kind of roommate.

The moment when you feel that you have found a perfect roommate having all the desired qualities and traits, you can simply click on that person and then select the option of accepting as a new roommate. The roommate will immediately move into the house.

Furthermore, their room’s cleanliness and the extra space for them to conceivably put down a couple of things before making them your roommate is your responsibility.

4. Living with the Roommates

Every roommate is unique in their character and peculiarities and it is also considered one of the amazing things about Sims 4. You will encounter various roommates; some of them will always chill around while others never take off from the house.

Some of them will be amazingly tidy and they will clean up after you constantly while others will be extremely muddled and leave heaps of food, dishes, and other rubbish. There are also the kinds of roommates who toss startling gatherings throughout and love the late-night parties and invite everybody from their circle.

They live as if they are living in their own home. It feels like having an actual roommate in the house.

Apart from all these details, the best thing about having roommates is the amount of money they give you each couple of days.

The reason is that it will be incredibly useful in paying off your bills or lease and you will be able to start living in a better way. Furthermore, the money they will give you relies upon your bills and you can simply have more money by acquiring more roommates.

5. Roommate Moving out

Sometimes, the roommates might decide to move out of your house. There could be any reason behind it and they have the option to move out on their own. When a roommate decides to leave, you will get a notification and afterward, the roommate leaves in a day or two.

Furthermore, if you want the roommate to kick out because of his behavior or any other habit that you don’t like then you can simply go to the roommate’s social menu and select the option to ask a roommate to leave. Then, you can again post an advertisement to get another roommate for yourself.

6. Roommate Notes

It is very funny to get notes from your amazing roommates. At points, you might get them around your bed or anywhere near you. The notes can be mean about you not doing the duties properly or making a mess. Sometimes, it can be a random funny scenario. So, it is highly recommended to read them!


Adding the feature of roommates to the Sims 4 is one of the best and most astonishing expansions ever made. It helps in making numerous and amazing storytelling. Furthermore, the roommates really enhance your interest in the game as they help you out in many ways, be it related to money or just good companionship. More roommates, more fun!

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