The Sims 4: Get Money Tree Ultimate Guide (Tips)

In Sims 4, the Money Tree is an incredible approach to bringing in a huge amount of cash for your Sims and their family. By utilizing the money tree, you can acquire more than §2000 depending upon its quality.

With this much money, you will be able to afford all the luxuries and live lavishly. If you want to know how to get and use the Money tree, keep on reading.

How to Get The Money Tree in Sims 4?

There are two ways to get the Money Tree either without cheats or with cheats.

Get Money Tree without Cheats

If you want to get your hands on the Money Tree, you have to go to the reward store. There you can find the Money Tree worth 5000 satisfaction points.

These points can be collected by completing the tasks in aspiration or whims. If you want more Money Trees, then you have to spend more than 5000 satisfaction points to get them.

Get Money Tree with Cheats

On the off chance that you do not have 5000 satisfaction points or you do not want to spend your satisfaction points, you can simply use a cheat to get the Money Tree. It is the easiest and simplest way.

To do so, you can utilize the Buy debug cheat. This cheat allows you to exploit many hidden options in the build mode. To apply this cheat, you have to enable the cheats first. To do so, open the cheat box by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+C” keys all at once from the keyboard.

After that type testingcheats true” in it and press the Enter button. By doing this, the cheats will be enabled and now the cheats you activate will be executed perfectly.

Now, type bb.showhiddenobjects” in the cheat box and press the enter button. After that, press Esc to close the cheat box and go to the build mode and search Money Tree and select it.

How to Take care of your Money Tree

You can only get the Money fruit from the reward store or from the cheats. At the point when you, at last, get your money fruit, you need to plant it.

It very well may be planted in any season. You should plant it in the ground because it will grow better in the ground rather than planting it in the planter box as it usually neglects to grow there.

After that, you have to do the essential gardening, for example watering and weeding so that your money tree can flourish well. Otherwise, your Money tree will die and you don’t want to see it right?

Furthermore, the money tree requires 7 days to completely develop into a tree with golden leaves. Now it’s all set to sell and get the money.

Selling Money Fruit

To get the money from the money tree you have to stand by until the tree has money fruit. Once it grows the money fruit you have to click on the tree. After that, click on the sell money fruit option.

It will give somewhere in the range of §8000 to more than §22000 depending upon its quality.

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The Money Tree in sims 4, is an extraordinary method to bring in cash. It is probably the best item you can find in the reward store.

Moreover, you do not have to stress about how to make money for a better living you will no longer have to work hard to get money.

All you have to do is to get the Money tree and you can afford any luxury. Hopefully, you’ll love it too!

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