Flaming Bullets GTA 5 Cheat

You have to play like a pro in this game so you require a lot of ammo but need a special one for most of the time. You can get flaming bullets by activating this fire cheat.

bullet GTA 5

Spawn a Flaming Bullets Cheat in GTA 5

Get a lot of incendiary rounds of bullets by this fire cheat and get amazed your enemies. But you can enjoy this on digital by activating this cheat code in GTA 5. You will be loved and enjoyed while playing this mod.

So, if you also know how to run fast in which situation it will require. Then you should activate this cheat code on your consoles i.e PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One & Xbox 360, just follow the pattern for activation of cheats of GTA 5.

How to apply cheat code to activate Flaming Bullets mod in GTA 5?

There are different ways to activate GTA 5 cheats on Xbox 360, PC, PS3, PS4, and Xbox One. You can also activate the cheat code from your in-game cell phone too. Each of them is separately mentioned below, so follow the pattern and get a fast swim on the sea of Los Santos in the game.

Flaming Bullets cheat code for GTA 5 patterns are:

  • PS4: L1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L1, L1
  • PS3: L1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L1, L1
  • Xbox One: LB, RB, X, RB, LEFT, RT, RB, LEFT, X, RIGHT, LB, LB
  • Xbox 360: LB, RB, X, RB, LEFT, RT, RB, LEFT, X, RIGHT, LB, LB
  • Cell Phone: 1-999-462-363-4279 (1-999-INCENDIARY)

Check and found this one of the best cheats because in this you have a lot of flaming bullets to explode your enemy in the in Grand Theft Auto 5. So heads towards this one and have crazy moments in this game.

Enjoy and have fun in Grand Theft Auto 5!!! đŸ™‚

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